I take this shot with a Canon SX1 IS. The lens has an optical zoom up to 580mm and a additional digital zoom. I think, the picture is nice, but there are very much technical deficiencies in it. The camera is my snapshot-camera.
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6 Kommentare:
Bhoa, ist das SUPER!
Sehr beeindruckend! Ich hab ihn gestern abend auch gesehen, aber irgendwie kam er mir hier bei uns viel kleiner vor... :-)
so amazing!!!!!
What kind of lens do you use for this...
Never seen her so close!!!
I take this shot with a Canon SX1 IS. The lens has an optical zoom up to 580mm and a additional digital zoom. I think, the picture is nice, but there are very much technical deficiencies in it. The camera is my snapshot-camera.
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